Speciality Malts

Grain, Malts, & Adjuncts For Brewing Beer

Goldsword Grains

Goldsword Grains Malted Oats 500 g
Goldsword Grains
Malted Oats
Oats are extremely difficult to malt and to crush efficiently but their contribution to the flavour of certain speciality ales is significant. Oats are rich in oils and tend to promote a velvety texture in beer. Although many old recipes called for large quantities of malted oats, it is recommended they should be used with caution.
Net Weight: 500 g
Goldsword Grains Bavarian Smoked Malt 1 kg
Goldsword Grains
Bavarian Smoked Malt
Probably the rarest malt of all. Rauchmalz is only produced in Bamberg, Germany and is used to brew that town's world famous Rauchbier. The kilning of this malt takes place over open fires made of beech wood logs. The phenols released from the wood permeate the malt and give it its smoky taste and aroma.
Net Weight: 1 kg
Product Currently Unavailable
Goldsword Grains Biscuit Malt 500 g
Goldsword Grains
Biscuit Malt
Biscuit malt produces a very pronounced "toasty" finish in the beer. Imparts a warm bread and biscuit-like aroma and flavour. Promotes a light to medium warm brown colour and is used to improve the roasted flavour and aroma that characterize ales and lagers lending subtle properties of black and chocolate malts. Has no enzymes, so must be mashed with malts having a surplus of diastatic power.
Net Weight: 500 g
Goldsword Grains Biscuit Malt 1 kg
Goldsword Grains
Biscuit Malt
Biscuit malt produces a very pronounced "toasty" finish in the beer. Imparts a warm bread and biscuit-like aroma and flavour. Promotes a light to medium warm brown colour and is used to improve the roasted flavour and aroma that characterize ales and lagers lending subtle properties of black and chocolate malts. Has no enzymes, so must be mashed with malts having a surplus of diastatic power.
Net Weight: 1 kg
Product Currently Unavailable
Goldsword Grains Arome Malt 500 g
Goldsword Grains
Arome Malt
Aromatic malt kilned at up to 115°C to develop aroma. Gives a rich malty aroma and flavour to amber and dark beers and imparts a smooth bitterness. Heightened diastatic power.
Net Weight: 500 g
Goldsword Grains Melano Malt 500 g
Goldsword Grains
Melano Malt
This malt promotes fullness of flavour and rounds off beer colour whilst improving flavour stability and promoting red colour. It can be used to good effect in all medium to dark beers.
Net Weight: 500 g


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